New Site!

I created a new site so I could sell my printable papers. The papers are created for junk journal designers but can also be used for other things too. Things like, purses, bags, pillows, t-shirts, printable calendars, hats, decals, pillow cases, clothing, crafts, jewelry, etc…

Inside my shop are a multitude of papers in assorted styles and themes. Just yesterday I added 26 new sets of papers to the shop and each day I am creating more. And if you visit my shop and make a purchase I have also added a coupon code that you can use to save 50 percent on your entire order. And when you send me an email, use social media to spread the word about my shop or leave a comment at my site I will send you a coupon code that you can use on your next purchase also. So, not only are you going to get a lot of great papers but you can save a few bucks each time you shop in my store as well! Nice huh?

Yeah, I thought so too, lol. Anyway, the link to my shop is below if you’re interested and thanks for stopping by today!

Junk Journal Paper

Back to making tags!

Okay, so I have missed making tags and thought I would start offering them again in my tag group. Now, I did have to re-create my tag group because I had closed it without thinking that I would be making tags again someday, lol. Oh, and I added all my members back to the group (that I could think of) so if you don’t receive any tag offers in your email in the next week or so, you might want to join the group. You can find it HERE.

Also, I don’t know if you remember me telling you this before but a few years ago I purchased some tubes from VeryMany but then there was a problem with her shop and I could no longer purchase her tubes. I think it had something to do with the country she lives in and the strict rules they had created. Now, she must have either changed where her shop is located or something happened because I can now purchase her tubes without any problem. So, I have been trying to purchase some of her tubes whenever she has a sale. So, far I have purchased quite a lot of her tubes and there will be many more that I plan on purchasing in the future also.

And because I have been buying so many of her tubes I will be making a lot of tags with her tubes so if you like her art you are really going to like the new tags I’ll be making, lol. Anyway, just wanted to let you know about that.

Thanks for stopping by and hugs, Mod Girl.

On A Break

I have stepped back from making tags for awhile. We had some problems with our roof with all the storms. It started leaking and so we told our land lady about it. Unfortunately, she has not fixed it and after talking to her about why she hasn’t, she finally told us that she just can’t afford it. Hubs and I figured she had home owners insurance or something to that effect but I believe she let it slip and now she has none.

Sad times. So, hubs and I bought some tarps from the hardware store and we both got on the roof and put them down with some wood strips and nails. This in itself was a chore for both of us because hubs is seriously over weight and is in bad shape and because I am afraid of heights. And, no I haven’t always been afraid of heights. There was something that happened many years ago that got me to be that way and I won’t go into details about that now, but let me just say, it was a horrific experience when it happened and leave it at that.

Also we had asked a few people to help us put the tarps on the roof but no one was able to help so we decided to do it ourselves.  Our roof has a pitched slope at the front and back but the back of the roof is more sloped than the front side and that’s the side we went up on the ladder. Hubs had to actually help me get up the ladder and onto the roof because I was shaking so much and he started freaking out about it. I had told him about my fear of heights before and apparently he didn’t think it was a big deal. I guess now he knows better, lol.

I wasn’t much help once I got on the roof except to just sit there and pass him the slats of wood so he could nail them in place across the tarps. But we were able to get 1 tarp on it and I guess that’s better than nothing at this point. After we got down and calmed down we both decided that we had no business going back onto the roof and we would just pay someone to come out and do it if we have too.

So, inside the house one area of the ceiling I told you about before started leaking and after awhile the ceiling started to fall down in that room. So hubs found a couple of boards that were laying around at work and brought them home to use to hold the ceiling up. And you should see how he did that, lol. I was amazed it actually worked because he had to lift up the one board from the floor so he sat it inside the large plastic tote that we had on top of the table in that room. It still wasn’t tall enough so he had to wedge and old piece of an old cast iron plate under it. And then at the top of the board he put the other board side ways across the top of the ceiling to hold it back up. And don’t ask me how but it is actually working and the part of the ceiling is not going anywhere now, lol.

Whew, what an ordeal, right? And we still have 2 more tarps to put up there on the roof and God only knows how that will ever happen. But we’ll get ‘er done somehow! Anyway. I just wanted to update you on what I’ve been up to lately since it’s been awhile. I only wish I felt like making tags right now but other stuff has kept me pretty busy. We have 3 rooms that are full of clutter. You know stuff that you pickup one day and then later you look at it and think, hmm, why did I buy this? So, you put it in another room and then after awhile that room just gets bigger and bigger full of stuff that you will never use.

Yeah, after living in this house for over 30 years we are at the point where 3 rooms full of junk is just too much to deal with, lol. Go figure. So, since hubs has no energy and won’t even help me do anything about it, I have decided to do it myself. At the moment I am busy shredding old papers like receipts, old paid bills, and stuff like that. These are papers that we have had in drawers, in a filing cabinet and thrown on top of the kitchen counter and coffee table over the years. So, I pulled out the paper shredder and I’ve been shredding paper for the past 2 days. Oh what fun, lol. So far I have filled up our garbage can (the big one that goes out to the curb for the trash collector) and I still have plenty more to shred still. I honestly don’t know when I will be done with all that but it feels really good to get some stuff done for a change and we now have a cleaned out filing cabinet so that makes me happy.

Okay, well I better get back to work. You know it will never get done unless I do it, lol. Wish me luck and I hope you all have a great day and hugs, Mod Girl.

Changes to 2 of my sites

So, recently I removed my TaggersWorld forum and replaced it with my TagExtras forum. There were a few reasons for me doing that. The first reason is that some members were requesting tags and then they would forget about picking them up later. The second was that although I had offered tag tutorials and tag challenges to the forum, NO ONE wanted to participate in any of them. And finally the last reason why I changed things is because some members kept forgetting to login each week even after I had reminded them of doing that.

And you know, I get it. Some people just don’t like having to deal with logins, checking to see if there is new stuff added all the time or participating in activities either. The time we now live in is a fast moving world and people get so busy living they just don’t have time for anything else. I know this because even though I spend most of my time at home now, I can still get busy doing other things besides sitting at the computer all day, lol.

Anyway, I just wanted to update you on the changes to my sites. I have also updated the links in my sidebar menu too so you’ll be able to find the link there if you want to visit. Oh, and before I forget. I still have the Buy My Store sale going on for my Scrap Kits website. I did remove the shop itself but I left a link to buy my shop at PayPal. And you can find that link HERE if your interested. Thanks for stopping by and hugs,

tag by Mod Girl

More Tag Showoffs!

Okay, so I’ve been making more tags and thought I would share some previews of them below. Before I get to the previews though I wanted to tell you about my PTU tube purchases. One of the tube shops I like to shop at decided to close and they had a sale. So, of course I just had to buy some tubes that I can use for making tags, lol. In total I purchased around 46 new tubes. Anyway, here’s those previews I was telling you about. Oh, and with the Weiner Party dogs tag (below) I used the same words that are on a t-shirt that I have. I figured it would make a cute tag. What do you think? Let me know! Hugs!!